
非马精选诗集 Some Short Poems of William Marr

A WECHAT Poetry Group called the Eight Immortals has just published a special issue for my short poems with several short review articles.








Nine Paintings of 1991


#1991-01獨飲#1,    50.8× 61 cm    油画    1991

Drinking alone #1, 20"x24", Oil, 1991

#1991-02獨飲#2,   50.8× 61 cm    油画    1991

Drinking alone #2, 20"x24", Oil on canvas, 1991

#1991-03,晨光燦爛, 35.6x43 cm , 纸上丙烯, 1991

Brilliant morning, 14"x17", Acrylic on paper, 1991

#1991-04夕照,   41×51 cm    油画,   1991

Sunset, 16"x20", Oil, 1991

#1991-05,静物  40.6x30.5 cm   丙烯   1991

Still Life, 16"x12", Acrylic, 1991

#1991-06 自畫像之二,40.6x50.8 cm, 丙烯,1991

Self-portrait No.2, 16x20 in., Acrylic, 1991


#1991-07,小兩口,40.64x50.8 cm, 油画,1991

Jane & I, 16x20 in.  Oil on canvas   1991






#1991-08, 秋婦, 25.4x20.3 cm, 丙烯,1991

Autumn Woman, 10x8 in., Acrylic, 1991


#1991-09 海上,27.9x35.6 cm, 混合材料,1991

At Sea, 11x14 in., Mixed media, 1991