

漢英雙語詩〈禮拜天午後街頭〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.12.15 〈禮拜天午後街頭〉 從「花花公子」的插頁 迸出 一個紅嫩圓挺的 乳頭 在絢麗的陽光下 公然 向目不斜視的過路人 挑釁 報攤不遠處 一個忙得不可開交的 氣球小販 知道 這將是個 生意興旺的日子 SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT A STREET CORNER Protruding from the centerfold of Playboy a nipple, round, and firm dares the eyes of the passersby Busily blowing up his balloons near the newsstand the balloon seller knows it’ll be a blooming day for business



冰雪颂,世界华大,2023.12.9 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZmY_bo1PC891wd7uMfE5nw


盛坤对非马先生诗“阳光普照”的鉴赏,2023.12.9 https://www.meipian0.cn/4yylas45?first_share_to=group_singlemessage&share_depth=1&first_share_uid=69573874#1702184071577


贵州贵客 | 非马:诗与人生

贵州贵客 | 非马:诗与人生 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/17Zszdum86eqr2XbhGg4xw


風暴過後(詩歌專輯)•非馬 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wYGg6okh_fgARsVn6TNthA


漢英雙語詩〈醉〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.12.8 醉 從酒杯裡唬唬跳出 一大批穿黑衣的 煩憂 七手八腳把他的頭按下 要溺斃 他 他掙扎叫嚷 他真的一點沒 醉 DRUNK jumping out of a wine cup a mob of wretches dressed in black push his head down trying to drown him he struggles and cries out NO, I AM NOT DRUNK



漢英雙語詩〈海上晨景〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.12.1 〈海上晨景〉 從一動不動的紅點裡曳出 一條耀眼的 白線 一隻小海鷗 穿梭盤旋 把藍天與綠海 綴得 天衣無縫 MORNING AT THE SEA a little seagull drawing a white thread out of a motionless red dot up and down to and fro weaves the blue sky and the green sea into a seamless splendor


雙語詩〈我們之間〉及〈風景〉刊登於 新大陸詩刊2023年12月199期 〈我們之間〉 葉撫 枝連 藤牽 手拉 心抱 無邊界 無高墻 無偏見 無仇恨 無戰爭 我們之間 只有 愛 BETWEEN US leaves stroking branches touching vines intertwining hands holding hearts embracing no wall no boundary no prejudice no hatred no war between us only love 〈風景〉 ---- 悼念詩友林亨泰先生 風景 的 外邊 還有 風景 的 外邊 還有 等您去 用詩給我們指點 等您去 用詩給我們指點 * 仿名師林亨泰先生名詩〈風景〉 SCENERY Scenery beyond Scenery beyond Scenery… All waiting for your Poetic finger To point them out to us * In memory of my Taiwanese poet friend Lin Heng Tai who wrote a poem entitled Scenery many years ago. http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIzMDM5NzA1OA==&mid=2247505482&idx=1&sn=1a7c3a978904c326f4c53e2bd0517253&chksm=e8b693a7dfc11ab15bbd2ed98195c8eb2c4b4e66e83256ddf7f277680a5deb7ab4711222463b&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1201w7KeBrsokzRowXeMJFsc&sharer_shareinfo=2ddc559720355340ecd2e5a098ee08f1&sharer_shareinfo_first=e3586d876a81fd24ea45dbbe4042dfd7#rd



雙語詩〈放生〉及〈陽光普照〉刊登于《秋水詩刊》198期(2024年元月) 〈放生〉 整個上午我眼睜睜看着 一隻蜜蜂 被困在窗玻璃間 掙扎著找出路 終於看到牠 從窗框的縫隙間掙脫 回到了外面的世界 天空舒了一口大氣霍然開朗 花草樹木齊齊伸出 歡迎的手 我驚喜發現 被放生的 竟是我自己 RELEASE all morning I watched helplessly a bee trapped between windowpanes trying to escape eventually it struggled through a crack and returned to the outside world the sky opened up grasses flowers trees all stretched out welcoming arms pleasantly surprised I found I was the one being set free 〈陽光普照〉 大公無私 他把所有的愛 光與熱 統統分給宇宙萬物 -- 大的小的高的矮的 美的醜的飛的爬的 動的靜的生的死的。。。 至於那些莫名其妙的陰影 所製造出來的界限與障礙 猜忌與仇恨 都是那些心地不透明的傢伙 為他們自己挖掘的墳墓 同他無關 THE SUN without reservation he gives his love light and warmth to all universal beings -- big and small, tall and short, pretty and ugly, crawling and flying, active and inert, live and dead… the dark graves on the ground dug by those opaque minds of envy, suspicion, hatred, and jealousy have nothing to do with him



漢英雙語詩〈海上風雲〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.11.10 〈海上風雲〉 被膠住的黑色巨翼 再怎麼撲打掙扎 就是飛不起來 飛不起來 就別想飛了吧 她的話 總在這時候 毫不費力地飛出 如風暴前的小海鷗 白色輕盈的翅膀 SEA STORM no matter how hard they beat the glued black wings just won’t take off “if you can’t fly then forget about flying” always right at this moment her words would effortlessly rise like the nimble white wings of the little seagulls flying away right before the approaching storm



微型詩作〈煙囪〉〈火雞〉及〈花開〉刊登於 2023年《中國微型詩刊》春季刊[域外風度] 〈煙囪〉 在搖搖欲滅的燈火前 猛吸煙斗的老頭 只想再吐一個完整的煙圈 〈火雞〉 一口氣說出那麼多感恩的話 便成了只有上帝才聽得懂的 咯嚕咯嚕咯嚕 〈花開〉 天空竟是這般遼闊 驚喜的小花們爭著 把每一片花瓣都伸展到極限



漢英雙語詩〈國殤日〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.11.3 〈國殤日〉 在阿靈頓國家公墓 他們用隆重的軍禮 安葬自越戰歸來 這位無名的兵士 但我們將如何安葬 那千千萬萬 在戰爭裡消逝 卻拒絕從親人的心中 永遠死去的名字 MEMORIAL DAY At Arlington, someone Unknown goes down The thousands, the thousands Who have gone down in faraway fields But who won’t die in the hearts— How do we bury The thousands



漢英雙語詩〈不准拍照〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.10.27 William Marr's bilingual poem NO PHOTO ALLOWED appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.10.27 〈不准拍照〉 沒有多事的鏡子 這世界便不會有醜惡 所以他們要搗毀 那些咄咄 使他們原形畢露的 照妖鏡 他們忘了 天上的星星 地上的湖泊 還有億萬隻眼睛 也都晶瑩雪亮 黑白分明 NO PHOTOS ALLOWED you would not see anything ugly in this world if there were no meddling mirrors that's why they want to destroy the lenses that try to expose their true colors not knowing the stars in the sky the ponds and the lakes and millions of eyes can all see things black and white


中央廣播電台,2023年10月27日,生活給我的詩 詩人.導演鴻鴻談 鳥與鳥籠─裴外、非馬 https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programMessagePlayer/programId/1696/id/145634



漢英雙語詩〈血月〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.10.20 血月 原來月亮同我們一樣 都是血肉之軀 都來自母親 充滿痛苦與歡樂的 子宮 但她得天獨厚 每隔幾年便回到 宇宙母親的肚子裡 哇哇重生 血的洗禮 讓她在億萬年之後 仍明亮如初 BLOOD MOON it turns out that the moon is just like us flesh and blood all coming from Mother's womb full of pain and joy what makes her different is that every few years she goes back to the womb of the Cosmic Mother to be reborn the baptism of blood let her in billions of years still bright and young as ever



诗梦枫桦(第70期) http://www.ccpoetry.org/shimengfenghua2023/smfh202310/shimengfenghua2023.10.html


英文诗作Speeding(超速)刊登于伊利诺州诗人协会网站,2023.10 https://illinoispoets.org/poems1023.htm#Speeding 〈超速〉 夏天裡過海洋 胸懷中真歡暢 在緬因州空曠的超級公路上 追風騰雲駕霧 半個世紀後 終於趕上了 目瞪口呆的 自己 附註:1977年夏天我駕車帶全家人遊覽美國東部,經過緬因州。寬敞的超級公路上車輛極端稀少, 幾乎所有的車都超速,我也跟風。到了一個收費站,十幾部超速的車子,包括我們的在內,都被 一一靠邊,接受罰單。原來交警用直升機在空中巡視。最近我在伊利诺州的駕照即將到期,去申 請換新,卻被告知我有一個來自緬因州法庭的違規舊檔,需先清理。



漢英雙語詩〈長城謠〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.9.29 William Marr's bilingual poem THE GREAT WALL LEGEND appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.9.29 〈長城謠〉 迎面抖來 一條 一萬里長的 臍帶 孟姜女扭曲的 嘴 吸塵器般 吸走了 一串 無聲的 哭 THE GREAT WALL LEGEND hurling toward you a ten-thousand-mile-long umbilical cord Meng Jiangnu’s twisted mouth sucks away a string of hushed cries like a vacuum cleaner



漢英雙語詩〈鳥與翅膀〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.9.15 William Marr's bilingual poem BIRD & WINGS appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.9.15 〈鳥與翅膀〉 不停息地 飛 為 兩片 翅膀 風中的 一隻 倦 鳥 BIRD & WINGS struggling to follow his wings in the wind a tired bird


漢英雙語詩〈看五代人畫『秋林群鹿』〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.9.22 看五代人畫『秋林群鹿』 一個 心悸 自鹿角躍 上 枝頭 頃刻間 在 整座 森林裡 轟 傳 A HERD OF DEER IN THE AUTUMN WOODS -- a Chinese painting from the period of 907-979 a heartthrob jumping from the tip of a horn onto the treetop instantly it roars and echoes throughout the entire woods




【四面来风】第十七期 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FRjD3c2RG0opf5EoLMPsIw


漢英雙語詩〈静物〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.8.25 〈静物〉 一隻桔子 的胃 蠕動著 在消化 世界 一雙監視 的眼皮 終於 沉重得 撐不開來 STILL LIFE the squirming stomach of an orange is quietly digesting the world a pair of watchful eyelids of an artist become heavier and heavier and eventually slam shut without a bang


漢英雙語詩〈門〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.9.1 〈門〉 老處女的 雙唇 童貞 在它裡面 DOOR the lips of an old maiden locking her virginity in


漢英雙語詩〈事件〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.9.8 William Marr's bilingual poem EVENT appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.9.8 〈事件〉 踩著了 尾巴 這人怎麼啦 我明明 踩的是 一條 貓 尾 巴 EVENT stepped on a tail what's the matter with this guy I am sure it was the tail of a cat



漢英雙語詩〈失眠2〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.8.18 走進夢鄉 一隻羊 兩隻羊 三隻羊 四隻羊 五隻羊… 突然因刀光 一閃 而爭先恐後 一隻隻 向微明的窗口 逃竄 INSOMNIA 2 Walking into a dreamland One sheep Two sheep Three sheep Four sheep Five sheep… Suddenly There’s the flash of a knife That made them scramble One after another Toward the dim window


【非马特约•名人作品展】473期||非马/李小琴 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ftKNs92LkPdvOMJhAJGpHA


《加華文學》第283期 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WXsXR1uUdU4EHU2iXjSrsg



漢英雙語詩〈台北雨季〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.7.7 漢英雙語詩〈台北雨季2〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.7.14 台北雨季 1. 被雨水泡腫了的 假期 喘著氣 在窄小的客舍裡 艱難地 轉身 2. 看窗外斜雨 在寒流裡 一竿長一竿短 打撈 失落的春天 RAINY SEASON, TAIPEI 1 The drenched vacation turns languorously in the stuffy hotel room 2 Outside the window the slanting poles of rain are fishing in the cold waves for the lost spring



英文诗SMILE 刊登于《新诗新闻》The New Versr News,2023.6.19 TheNewVerse.News : SMILETheNewVerse.News : SMILE (newversenews.blogspot.com) (newversenews.blogspot.com)

非馬鳥籠詩系列及評論摘要 (上)

非馬鳥籠詩系列及評論摘要 (上) =1000&share_to=group_singlemessage#1688432962894">https://www.meipian.cn/4te9bjt8?share_depth=3&s_uid=1000&share_to=group_singlemessage#1688432962894



漢英雙語詩〈共傘〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.6.30 William Marr's bilingual poem SHARING AN UNBRELLA appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.6.30 〈共傘〉 共用一把傘 才發覺彼此的差距 但這樣我俯身吻妳 因妳努力踮起腳尖 而倍感欣喜 SHARING AN UMBRELLA Sharing an umbrella I suddenly realize the difference between us Yet bending over to kiss you gives me such joy as you try to meet me halfway on tiptoe



梦雅诗苑:百家争鸣|非马(美国)大小瓷器、学画记 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MOwSIWKAhqb-AQhuXbMAPg


漢英雙語詩〈悼〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.6.23 William Marr's bilingual poem IN MEMORY appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.6.23 〈悼〉 沒有月亮的天空 每顆星 是回憶鞋中的 一粒砂 確證你的 存在 IN MEMORY On the moonless sky each star is a grain of sand in my shoes of memory to confirm your existence



英文詩作〈蒲公英〉張貼於《高地公園詩》臉書頁,2023.6.11 HPPs Facebook page, 2023.6.11 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=785937806455622&set=a.579194347129970 下面是中文版: 〈蒲公英〉 天邊太遙遠 蒲公英 把原始的遨遊夢 分成一代代 去 接力 飛揚



漢英雙語詩〈夜〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.5.19 〈夜〉 无助地 看 噩梦 在分隔 今天 与 明天 的非武装区 遍插 黑旗 NIGHT between today and tomorrow a demilitarized zone marked with black flags





漢英雙語詩〈今天的陽光很好〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.5.12 〈今天的陽光很好〉 我支起畫架 興致勃勃開始寫生 我才把畫布塗成天藍 一隻小鳥便飛進我的風景 我說好,好,你來得正是時候 請再往上飛一點點。對!就是這樣 接著一棵綠樹搖曳著自左下角升起 迎住一朵冉冉飄過的白雲 而蹦跳的松鼠同金色的陽光 都不難捕捉 不久我便有了一幅頗為像樣的圖畫 但我總覺得它缺少了什麼 這明亮快活的世界 需要一種深沉而不和諧的顏色 來襯出它的天真無邪 就在我忙著調配苦灰色的時候 一個孤獨的老人踽踽走進我的畫面 用一个茫然的眼神 輕易地為我完成了我的傑作 THIS MORNING’S SUNSHINE WAS SO WONDERFUL I set up the easel enthusiastically started my painting As soon as I finished covering the canvas with blue sky a bird flew into the scene I said, good, good, you came at the right time please move up a little. Yes, that’s it! then a green tree rose from the lower left corner just in time to meet a passing white cloud and the squirrels chasing each other were not hard to catch soon I had a presentable painting at hand Yet I felt something was missing something deep and inharmonious to bring out its purity and innocence As I was busily mixing some harsh and bleak color a lonesome old man staggered into the picture and finished my masterwork with a blank stare



北美中文作协沙龙第二期:“放我出笼”——非马谈诗歌 - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AGb48iVdc84



漢英雙語詩〈有一次我要一隻鳥唱歌〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.4.28 William Marr's bilingual poem ONCE I ASKED A BIRD TO SING appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.4.28 〈有一次我要一隻鳥唱歌〉 牠說我唱 不出來也不想唱 這不是春天 我捏著牠的脖子 說 唱呀唱呀 不唱歌算什麼鳥 牠掙扎著 但終於沒唱成 我現在想 其實鳥沒錯 又不是詩人 哪能一年到頭 說唱就唱 但那時候我只一心 要牠唱歌 竟沒注意到 春天就在我手中 微顫著 斷氣 ONCE I ASKED A BIRD TO SING he said no, I can’t and I won’t it’s not spring I grasped his neck and yelled SING! SING! WHAT KIND OF BIRD ARE YOU IF YOU DON’T SING he gasped and struggled but to the end he did not utter one single note I now realize it really wasn’t his fault even a poet could not sing uninspired but possessed by a burning passion I insisted on his singing then and there and did not notice in my hand spring had expired in agony



漢英雙語詩〈角〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.3.24 William Marr;s bilingual poem ANTLERS appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2023.3.24 〈角〉 造成之後 神曾把玩終日愛不忍釋 將它撫摸得光滑潔潤 晶瑩奪目 又恐凡俗的手沾污了它 便教挨近的人 時時感到 它如矛的鋒尖 正定定對準 他的脅下 ANTLERS At creation God loves antlers so much that all day he polishes them smooth and shiny Lest these horns be sullied by clumsy hands He lets anyone nearby constantly feel the existence of their pointy tips


安徽✤錢鍾齡的詩a092讀非馬的畫之三 https://www.meipian.cn/4octk7zi?share_depth=1&first_share_uid=51706207&first_share_to=group_singlemessage



论非马的诗(上) 李魁贤 https://www.meipian.cn/4m9w11s9?share_depth=1&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage 论非马的诗(下) 李魁贤 https://www.meipian.cn/4m9w9far?share_depth=1&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage


Poem COOKING posted on the Illinois State Poetry Society website 英文詩作COOKING(烹飪)張貼於伊利諾州詩人協會網頁上 https://illinoispoets.org/poems0223.htm#Cooking 下面是該詩的中文版: 烹飪 炒来炒去 就是不夠味道 從冰箱裡 找出了一瓶 熬存多年的作料 統統傾入 才一嘗 便滿眼淚水 辨不清 一生中經歷的 酸甜苦辣



汉英双语诗〈性急的小狗〉刊登于《芝加哥时报》2023.2.3 〈性急的小狗〉 猛跑几步 又折回头 猛跑几步 又折回头 兴奋的小狗 频频催促 搖搖晃晃刚学会走路的小主人 前面 一片平坦亮丽 AN IMPATIENT LITTLE DOG dashing forth a few steps and dashing back dashing forth a few steps and dashing back the excited little dog keeps urging his wobbly little master who has just started learning how to walk a bright smooth ground lies right ahead



漢英雙語詩〈故事〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.1.27 〈故事〉 狗闭着眼 但老人知道它在倾听 温情的背 正越挨越近 STORY The dog has her eyes closed but the old man knows she’s listening Her warm back is moving closer and closer



多面镜前的自画像(上 )文/非马 https://www.meipian.cn/4lhkpikv?share_depth=2&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage 多面镜前的自画像(下)文/非马 https://www.meipian.cn/4lhkvi72?share_depth=1&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage



中英文短诗四首 文/非马 https://static.dingxinwen.com/dd-sharepage/detail/index.html?id=3447165
【非马特约•名人作品展】459期||非马/李荼 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IW00VWVcLayeste49oyViw


Poem Chicago posted in Highland Park Poetry Facebook, 2023.1.23 詩作〈芝加哥〉英文版張貼於《高地公園詩》臉書頁,2023.1.23 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=691884969194240&set=a.579194347129970 該詩中文版: 芝加哥 在原始森林 就在畢卡索的 怪獸下 假寐 混沌裡 一聲拖得長長的 TIM---BER--- 把我驚醒 抬頭 瞥見參天的 大廈 在漏下的夕陽裡 似乎又傾斜了幾度



漢英雙語詩〈唱反調的雪〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2023.1.20 William Marr's bilingual poem THE DISSENTING SNOW appeared in Chicago Chinese News , 2023.1.20 〈唱反調的雪〉 小孩的心溫熱 雪冷冰冰 小孩的臉通紅 雪白茫茫 小孩的笑聲響亮 雪靜悄悄 小孩的腳愛冒險 雪卻把地面鋪平 讓清清楚楚的腳印 永遠逃不出 屋裡的小母親 頻頻抬起的眼角 THE DISSENTING SNOW The children’s hearts are warm the snow ice-cold The children’s faces are red the snow white The children’s laughter is loud the snow silent The children’s feet are restless and adventurous the snow always smooths out the ground so their clear footprints can never stray far from the corners of their mothers’ watchful eyes





《梦雅诗苑》名家特刊/非马先生:醉汉赏析 https://m.toutiao.com/article/7188526516131676683/?app=news_article×tamp=1673758866&use_new_style=1&req_id=20230115130105018FDB07889A40B9AF7C&group_id=7188526516131676683&wxshare_count=2&tt_from=weixin_moments&utm_source=weixin_moments&utm_medium=toutiao_android&utm_campaign=client_share&share_token=69dec333-8ff0-4918-b1e3-fd36897d1cff



汉英双语诗〈他们用怪手挖树〉刊登于《芝加哥时报》2023.1.13 ​〈他们用怪手挖树 〉 连根带泥 他们 把树一棵棵挖走 使本来己够暗淡的天空 更加失明 明天他们将在这块草地上 造一栋钢筋水泥的大楼 用闪闪烁烁的玻璃 装饰深沉空洞的眼穴 EXCAVATION along with gravel and soil they removed the trees with an excavator making the dark sky even darker tomorrow they will build a skyscraper right here on this grassland and decorate the hollow eyes with twinkling glass



汉英双语诗〈菩提树〉刊登于《芝加哥时报》2023.1.6 〈菩提树〉 每天走过你的身边 却一直想不起你的名字 直到今天早晨 有人魔曲般唱起 井旁边大门前面 有一棵… 菩提树! 怪不得你那么 亲切面熟 LINDEN TREE walking by you everyday somehow I had a hard time recalling your name till this morning when someone started the magical singing By the well before the gate there stands a linden tree... (Am Brunnen vor dem Tore Da steht ein Lindenbaum) Linden Tree! no wonder I felt so familiar and intimate





非马同有心人聊诗 https://www.meipian.cn/4kvk9k5v?share_depth=1&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage



美國詩人評論家邁寇▪埃斯寇巴斯(Michael Escoubas)簡評非馬的漢英雙語詩選《無夢之夜》譯文及非馬的雙語詩〈選舉萬歲〉及〈冬宮夏宮大宮小宮〉刊登於《秋水詩刊》194期,2023年元月。 〈選舉萬歲〉 環顧四周 他突然發現 那些本來同他一樣警醒的眼睛 現在卻都如醉如痴 被一張能言善辯的嘴催眠 迅速膨脹的謊言 成了他們緊緊攀附的氣球 載浮載沉 載浮載沉... ELECTION TIME looking around suddenly he found people once alert all seemed to be in a trance clinging tightly to balloons of rapidly expanding lies bobbing up and down up and down... 〈冬宮夏宮大宮小宮〉 ──俄羅斯遊之一 喝地一聲 齊齊向天托起 一個個富麗堂皇的穹頂 仰望的眼睛 突然潤濕模糊了起來 當腥味的血汗 自無數雙青筋暴脹的手 穿越明明暗暗的年代 驟雨般飛濺過來 WINTER PALACES SUMMER PALACES BIG PALACES SMALL PALACES -- Russian Impression #1 Hoisted to the sky a magnificent dome My upward-looking eyes suddenly become blurred as drops of sweat and blood flying through the dim air of history splatter my face



Poem and painting Chicago appeared in the 2022 Fall/2023 Winter Muses’ Gallery, Highland Park Poetry 非马的英文诗及画作〈芝加哥〉刊登于《高地公园诗》的2022-2023 秋冬季《缪斯美术馆》 http://www.highlandparkpoetry.org/themusesgallery.html