

漢英雙語詩〈婚杯〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.4.19 〈婚杯〉 嘴巴緊對瓶口 仰起頭來咕嚕咕嚕 喝得酩酊大醉的豪放 遲早總要過去 善飲的你 終於發現了 慢酌細啜的樂趣 對著燦爛流盪的陽光 你莊重地舉起了玲瓏的水晶杯 而當琥珀色的喜悅 滔滔自你心底湧起 你把盈滿的杯子移近鼻尖 閉上潤濕的雙眼 深深地吸了一口氣 嗯,真香! 這醞釀多年的愛情 WEDDING CUP with bottle raised and your head tilted back you used to drink yourself drunk now you find the pleasure of pouring and drinking at leisure solemnly you raise the sparkling glass against the brilliant sunshine and when the bubbling amber joy rises from the bottom of your heart you move the filled glass to your nose close your moist eyes and draw a deep breath hmm, how sweet! this love that has fermented for so many years



漢英雙語詩〈土生土长的土褐色〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.4.12 土生土長的土褐色 ──夏威夷遊記之六 差點被數字脹死的 華爾街 終於狂瀉不止 使遠在威奇奇沙灘上 大晒其太陽的速紅臉孔 都一下子慘白了起來 終年同陽光親昵的土褐色 在土生土長的勞動者身上 因此更顯得 渾厚真實 THE NATIVE-BORN BROWN COLOR -- Hawaii, 1987 almost choked by numbers Wall Street now suffers from an incessant diarrhea making the sunbathing faces at Waikiki Beach deathly pale the brown skins of the native laborers that are in intimate contact with the sun all year round now appear even more real and rich



漢英雙語詩〈乘浪〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.4.5 William Marr‘s bilingual poem, Riding the Waves, appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2024.4.5 乘浪 ──夏威夷遊記之四 一次又一次 乘浪的孩子 奮力攀上 俯首甘為孺子牛的大海 那高高拱起的背脊 去瞻望 流浪不歸的 一朵 雲 RIDING THE WAVES over and over the wave-riding boy struggles to climb the high-rising back of the ocean and look for a cloud that roves over the horizon