

漢英雙語詩〈在鐘錶店〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.3.22 〈在鐘錶店〉 無視時間 牆上的鐘錶 只顧滴答滴答 忙著 各走各的 路 AT THE CLOCK SHOP Oblivious of time the clocks on the wall just keep ticking busily going their own way



雙語詩〈長城謡〉及〈藍脊山道〉刊登於《詩殿堂第23期,2024春季刊》 〈長城謠〉 迎面抖來 一條 一萬里長的 臍帶 孟姜女扭曲的 嘴 吸塵器般 吸走了 一串 無聲的 哭 THE GREAT WALL LEGEND hurling toward you a ten-thousand-mile-long umbilical cord Meng Jiangnu’s twisted mouth sucks away a string of hushed cries like a vacuum cleaner 藍脊山道 每個彎口 都有一片 令眼睛一亮的 嶄新風景 在那裡引誘車輪 繼續向前滾動 嘩嘩舒展 從嫩黃到深紅到焦褐到 拒絕變化的綠 就這樣在樹上在空中在地面 在我們應接不暇的眼睛與心裡 各安其位各得其所 BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY at every turn there’s a fresh scene waiting to brighten our eyes and draw the wheels forward tender-yellow dark-red scorched-brown and the rebellious-green that refuses to change all find their own places in this colossal painting of autumn without the slightest discord


雙語詩〈煙花節〉及〈天工〉刊登於《笠詩刊》359期,2024.2 〈煙花節〉 每天都是他們的 煙花節 用各式各樣的 标枪 利箭 炮彈與导弹 甚至核彈 從四面八方 點燃天空 慶祝 世界末日 Fireworks Festival every day is their fireworks festival with all kinds of weapons-- arrows spears cannonballs missiles and even nuclear weapons from all directions they light up the sky to celebrate the end of the world 〈天工〉 在她的手指上 展示珍藏的 一枚枚 令人眼睛發亮的 珊瑚戒指 我卻一眼就看到 得天獨厚的天工 所雕塑出來的 手指 無需戒指 五顏六色的喧染襯托 HEAVENLY CREATIONS One by one displaying on her fingers the collected eye-catching treasures of coral rings But I saw right away the unparalleled craftsmanship that sculpted those fingers No need for the sensational setup of the colorful rings



漢英雙語詩〈費城自由鐘〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.3.15 〈費城自由鐘〉 1 自由的怒吼 震裂嘴角 讓苦難的心 不再緘默 2 驚天動地的怒吼 震破嘴角 居然還有人 咧著嘴 在旁邊指指點點 說自由這玩意兒 並不完美 THE LIBERTY BELL 1 the loud angry shouts for freedom cracked the corner of its mouth no suffering heart will ever keep it silent again 2 earth-shattering roars cracked the corner of its mouth still there are people who would point and laugh and say this liberty thing is not perfect

春眠不觉晓 ---非马的春意诗

春眠不觉晓 ---非马的春意诗 (上)https://www.meipian.cn/51ua8szc?share_depth=2&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage (下) https://www.meipian.cn/51uaeblk?share_depth=2&s_uid=51706207&share_to=group_singlemessage



英文诗WINTER ANDANTE(冬天的行板)被收入Germain Droogenbroodt | Belgium 编选的世界最佳现代诗Poetry without Borders《诗无边界》, Cyberwit.net|印度|2024 WINTER ANDANTE In order to warm the eyes white snow gently embraces the naked trees and the fields Distant mountains tremble softly herds of deer with thickened hide move slowly in the vast empty woods In the evening wind the toll of a bell quietly lights up the twinkling stars adorning the sky a solemn cathedral



美篇介绍:《非馬藝術世界》唐玲玲/周偉民編著,繁體中文/英文雙語版, 2022年由華盛頓作家出版社出版 https://www.meipian0.cn/51n7nw33?first_share_to=group_singlemessage&share_depth=1&first_share_uid=69573874



漢英雙語詩〈楓葉〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.3.8 〈楓葉〉 從一大片綠裡 現身說法 這—才—是— 紅— MAPLE LEAVES from a sheet of green they appear just to demonstrate THIS—IS—RED—



海南大學唐玲玲/周偉民教授合著的《非馬藝術世界》簡體中文/英文版於2010年由廣州花城出版社出版;繁體中文/英文版的紙版及電子書於2022年由華盛頓作家出版社在美國出版。有興趣的朋友可在亞美遜網上查購。 https://www.amazon.com/-/he/Tang-Lingling-Zhou-Weimin/dp/B09SV7GN2P?tag=namespacebran383-20