

非馬英文詩全集《穿越時空》收集自1956 至2025年所寫的953首英文詩。可免費下載閱讀。 Traveling Through Time: Collected Poems by William Marr, including 953 poems written from 1956 to 2025. The following link provides information of the book and the free downloadable link: https://quillandparchment.com/archives/March2025/new3.html


漢英雙語詩〈瀕臨滅絕的物種〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2025.2.28 〈瀕臨滅絕的物種〉 記不清從什麼時候起 自己竟成了 瀕臨滅絕的物種 但他能感到 望遠鏡後憐憫的凝視 自四面八方 子彈般刺刺向他射來 獨自飛行在遼闊的天空 他知道他必須努力發出 最後一聲唳叫 如同一個詩人 為了證實自己的存在 瀝血謳歌 ENDANGERED SPECIES he can’t recall when he became an endangered species yet he can sense the pitying stares behind the scopes streaming towards him like bullets flying alone in the vast vast sky he knows he must utter his last cry like a poet who sings to confirm his being