
英文詩作 Life’s Fingerprint

英文詩作 Life’s Fingerprint (生命的指紋)被收入2024 Summer Muses' Gallery -Road Trips Poets Respond to Travel on Life's Highways and Byways https://highlandparkpoetry.org/themusesgallery/ 下面是該詩的中英文版: 〈生命的指紋〉 繪在我地圖上 這條曲折 迴旋的道路 帶我 來到這裡 每個我記得或淡忘了的城鎮 每位與我擦肩而過或結伴同行的人 路邊一朵小花的眼淚 天上一隻小鳥的歡叫 都深深刻入 我生命的指紋 成了 我的印記 LIFE'S FINGERPRINT this turning and twisting road on my map has brought me here every town I have remembered or forgotten everyone who has passed by or walked with me the tear of a violet at the roadside a joyous cry of a lark in the sky all etched onto the fingers of my life to become my signature

