

漢英雙語詩〈新苗〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.29 〈新苗〉 我把你的孩子們 帶到鄉下來了 整天穿著鞋子在水泥地上走動 他們竟以為 超級市場是稻米的故鄉 我要他們把赤腳插入水田 同秧苗一起 堅定地默默抽長 SEEDLINGS I brought your kids to the countryside not to an amusement park so used to shoes on pavement they mistook the supermarket for the native land of grains I wanted them to plant their feet firmly into the paddy field to grow with seedlings


华语诗歌金典编辑梅林 上午2:38 [【2024年9月华语诗歌优秀作品】——马为义 : http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NTkyMTkxNA==&mid=2452091715&idx=5&sn=633969ed786a0537957d4b3499dcff3b&chksm=89b7236d8a4ff0ca659807842e7a5654fd42e1ddef3f6de5033fdc8cad9e4eb322d4da853311&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=092069RmcR8cq0zgZnosF2kf&sharer_shareinfo=80e04de25d767bc1108fabf2bb051548&sharer_shareinfo_first=80e04de25d767bc1108fabf2bb051548#rd]



漢英雙語詩〈悼念一位同鄉故友〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.22 〈悼念一位同鄉故友〉 乾旱季節 今夜這場傾盆大雨 來得正是時候 大粒大粒的雨點 在窗玻璃上捶打 帶著你 濃重的鄉音 MOURNING FOR A HOMETOWN FRIEND Drought season Tonight’s pouring rain Comes just in time Large raindrops Hit on the window glass With your Strong accent



漢英雙語詩〈中色透明〉及〈咕咕咕〉刊登於《秋水詩刊》202期,五十週年特刊,2025年元月 〈中色透明〉 或許 該有一種噴漆 把各色人種 白種人 黑種人 黃種人 棕種人 都噴成不可分辯 無從歧視的 中色或無色的 同種人 然後噴上一層 滲透的明膠 讓每個人的內心 神也好 鬼也罷 都一目了然 NEUTRAL AND TRANSPARENT maybe we should have a neutral spray paint to make various skin colors white black yellow and brown indistinguishable so we can’t discriminate against each other then spray on top of them a penetrating transparent layer to reveal the complexion of each soul 〈咕咕咕---〉 想必是哪個童年的玩伴 在窗外遠處張著嘴 用低沉的咕咕聲 一大早把我叫醒 鷓鴣 鴿子 徘徊不肯離去的 貓頭鷹 或浪跡天涯 倦極歸來的 你 在同我玩 捉迷藏 COO COO COO it must be a childhood playmate calling from outside the window with a soft low voice coo coo coo waking me up early in the morning a partridge a dove a lingering owl or you a tired wanderer on the earth returned to play hide-and-seek


漢英雙語詩〈失樂園〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.16 〈失樂園〉 每個角落都澄澈透明 在巴哈馬 萬物無所遁形 (我終於明白 當年在伊甸園 人類如何看到了 自己的赤裸) 水原來這麼綠 雲原來這麼白 天原來這麼青 Paradise Lost no place to hide here in Bahamas everywhere is clear and bright (now I know why in the Garden of Eden they saw their own nakedness) water so green clouds so white sky so blue



漢英雙語詩〈禪〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.15 〈禪〉 風動 幡也動 幡不動 風也不動 禪 就是這麼簡單的東西 你愛 她也愛 她不愛 你也——愛 禪 就是這麼複雜的東西 ZEN When the wind moves, the flag also moves When the flag doesn’t move, the wind doesn’t move either Zen is such a simple thing you love her, she loves you too. she doesn’t love you, you still love her Zen is such a complicated thing



漢英雙語詩〈城市之窗〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.8 〈城市之窗〉 用橫橫豎豎的鐵條 把天空分割成一塊塊 零售 日日夜夜 每個黑暗的窗口 都有眼睛 在那裡窺望 等待隨時出現的 終極廣告— 宇宙清倉大賤賣 CITY WINDOWS divided by metal bars the sky is to be sold at retail day and night behind every dark window wary eyes are watching for the ultimate big sign of clearance sale of the universe



漢英雙語詩〈給一朵花寫生〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.11.1 〈給一朵花寫生〉 風有點憋不住氣 蝴蝶的翅膀不耐地開開合合 而性急的蜜蜂 早在那裡營營嗡嗡 那支畫筆 就是遲遲落不下去 它們不知道 在畫家的眼前 這朵花正與一張同樣盛開的臉 你死我活爭奪地盤 此刻任何偏袒的一筆 都將引起 負心的責難 TO PAINT A FLOWER the wind can no longer hold its breath butterflies impatiently open and close their wings restless bees fly around humming louder and louder yet the brush just won’t come down they don’t realize the flower is presently engaged in a fierce struggle with a blooming face for a vantage in the painter’s eyes any inadvertent stroke will certainly bring an accusation of being partial and heartless


[《北美翰苑散文诗社》0101-期刊_香港头条 : https://m.booea.com/news/s_3823524.html]