

漢英雙語詩〈在李白故里向詩人問好〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.6.7 〈在李白故里向詩人問好〉 幾天前在杜甫草堂 我們還談起您 杜老要我見到您 千萬問您好 他還是那麼瘦 但他對您的福態 只有高興沒有絲毫妒意 他還說 詩仙詩聖的稱號太無聊 寫詩又不是小學生作文 爭什麼第一 至於您的身世 究竟出生何地 或姓不姓李 他說就交付給明月 讓那些自以為清醒的傢伙 去水中撈吧 PAYING RESPECTS TO THE POET AT THE LI PO HOUSE several days ago, I was at the Du Fu Thatched Cottage and we were talking about you old Du Fu wanted me to convey his regards to you he still stayed very thin but he was happy and not at all jealous that you were blessed with a body, plump and healthy he also said the titles of Poet Immortal and Poet Saint are meaningless poetry is not primary student's composition why worry about who is the number one writer as for your life and background where were you actually born was Li really your last name he said just leave them to the moon and let those self-claimed sober guys to fish in the water

