

漢英雙語詩〈在舊金山看海〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.31 〈在舊金山看海〉 又一個波浪湧上來 我還來不及開口發問 那年頭你有沒有想到詩 嘩啦一聲它已在黑岩上摔得粉碎 嘆一口白氣又悄然退了下去 我們隔著霧互看了一眼 然後望開去 灰濛濛的海灣上空 這時候太陽突然冒出了臉 白亮莊嚴恍如奇跡 但我們都知道 它一直就在那裡 WATCHING THE OCEAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Another wave rushed in As I was about to ask “Did you think of poetry in those dark days?” it crashed on the black rocks and retreated with a white sigh We looked away at the bay through a thick fog Suddenly the sun appeared brilliant and solemn as if it were a miracle But we both knew it had been there all the time

