

漢英雙語詩〈行走的花樹〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.3 〈行走的花樹〉 我只是個種花人 你說 帶著謙卑的微笑 在都市文明的荒漠裡 在遠離肥沃泥土的天台上 你孜孜澆灌 要為這世界 增添一點 欣欣向榮的喜色 當感恩的花朵 紛紛開向 朝陽的天空 我看到花白了頭髮的你 提著滿溢的水壺 蹣跚穿行 竟是,啊,萬紫千紅中 一株最耐看的花樹 A WALKING FLOWER PLANT I am only an ordinary gardener you spoke with a humble smile High above Hong Kong In the center of the urban desert on the rooftop devoid of fertile soil you had been tirelessly watering and weeding dreaming of someday brightening the world with joyful colors when the plants finally sprang into blossom under the sun-filled morning sky I saw you, gray-haired moving among the colorful flowers with a watering can in your hand like a walking flower plant

