

漢英雙語詩〈在海邊看日落〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.10 〈在海邊看日落〉 猛燒了一天 想把每張作孽的臉都燒成黑炭 卻在最後關頭 軟下心來 把通紅的大火球 扔進水裡 吱吱聲中 我看到整個大海 沸騰了起來 載浮載沉的空罐,針筒,塑膠杯盤口袋… 紛紛從地球的每一個角落 湧入這沸騰的大鍋 一個昏暗的餐室裡 一個孤單的老人 正咕噥舉起 他的塑膠刀叉 *在菲律濱,一條死鯨魚被發現胃裡裝滿了88磅塑料垃圾。(紐約時報,2019.3.19) WATCHING SUNSET AT THE SEASHORE burning all day trying to char every evil face on earth yet at the last moment he softens and relents throwing the fireball into the water amid the sizzling sound I see the entire ocean boil up empty bottles, syringes, plastic bags, cups, and plates all rushing into this big pot from every corner of the world and in a dark dining room a lonely old man lifting with a grunt his plastic knife and fork Note: A dead whale was found in the Philippines with 88 pounds of plastic bags and other disposable plastic products in its stomach. (New York Times, March 19, 2019)

