

漢英雙語詩〈鳥魚詩人〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2025.2.21 鳥魚詩人 鳥向烏雲問路 煙黑的天空上 找不到出口 魚猛吐氣泡 在陽光照射不到的水中 尋覓自己的影子 悠然走在地面上的詩人 一會兒看天 一會兒看水 終於靈感噴湧 搖頭擺尾唱出了 千古名篇 綠水悠悠天天天藍 BIRD FISH POET Getting lost in the smoky sky a bird asks a cloud for direction In the water where no sunlight can penetrate a bubbling fish desperately seeks its own shadow A poet strolls the brown earth looking casually up and down now at the sky now at the water finally finds his inspiration and composes a beautiful poem Everywhere green water Everyday blue sky

