

雙語〈鳥籠詩〉發表於《秋水詩刊》203期,2025.4 鳥籠詩 非馬 從童年起,我便對鳥籠感興趣。1973年我寫了下面這首題為〈鳥籠〉的詩: 鳥籠 打開 鳥籠的 門 讓鳥飛 走 把自由 還給 鳥 籠 最後的鳥與籠分開成兩行。我的許多朋友說他們喜歡這首詩,但不太了解它的真意。通常當我們打開籠門,得到自由的是鳥,不是籠。有一天我的一個同事告訴我說他知道了。我問他知道了什麼?他說O.J.辛普森是一隻鳥,我們是籠。現在把他判無罪放走了,我們就自由了!那時候美国著名的橄欖球明星O.J.辛普森因謀殺前妻及其朋友而受審,電視上整天播放審判的過程,大家都不勝其煩。我告訴他那可能是個好解釋。之後,我又寫了下面這首題為〈籠鳥〉的詩: 籠鳥 好心的 他們 把牠關進 牢籠 好讓牠 唱出的 自由之歌 嘹亮 而 動心 在這詩裡的鳥可能是個政治犯,也可能是一個嚴厲家庭或學校裡的小孩。後來我又寫了下面這兩首有關鳥籠的詩: 再看鳥籠 打開 鳥籠的 門 讓鳥飛 走 把自由 還給 天 空 我在這首詩裡想說的是,沒有飛鳥的天空是不可能自由更不可能是正常的。下面這首詩是我對鳥籠這題材所作的結論: 鳥·鳥籠·天空 打開鳥籠的 門 讓鳥自由飛 出 又飛 入 鳥籠 從此成了 天空 大家都高興! POEMS OF BIRDCAGE William Marr Ever since my childhood, I have been interested in birdcages. I wrote a poem in 1973 entitled Birdcage: BIRDCAGE open the cage let the bird fly away give freedom back to the bird cage The final words Bird and Cage are in separate lines. Many of my friends said they liked the poem but didn’t quite get the full meaning of the poem. Usually, when we open the cage, the bird becomes free, not the cage. One day, a friend told me that he got it. I asked him what he got? He said O J Simpson is the bird, we are the cage. Now that we have let him go, we are free! At that time, the TVs were showing the murder trial of O.J. Simpson day and night, and everybody was getting bored. I told him that could be one of the interpretations. Shortly after that, I wrote the following poem: CAGED BIRD they put him in the cage to hear his song of freedom LOUD and CLEAR The bird in this poem could be a political prisoner or a child growing up in a strict family or school. Later on, I wrote the following two poems on related subjects: BIRDCAGE AGAIN open the cage let the bird fly away and give the sky back its freedom What I want to say in this poem is that a sky without flying birds cannot be free or normal. The following poem is my conclusion on the topic: BIRD * BIRDCAGE * SKY open the door of the birdcage let the bird fly freely out and in the cage thus becomes the sky All are free and happy!

