

双語詩作〈屋檐下融化的冰柱#3〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2025.2.14 〈屋檐下融化的冰柱#3〉 帝國的 輝煌榮耀 終究留不住 這些嚮往自由的 小老百姓 興高采烈紛紛 離體 墜 地 ICICLES MELTING UNDER THE EAVES #3 even the awe-inspiring glory of the empire cannot keep these freedom lovers from jumping off crashing joyously to the ground



漢英雙語詩〈屋檐下融化的冰柱2〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2025.2.7 William Marr's bilingual poem ICICLES MELTING UNDER THE EAVES 2 appeared in Chicago Chinese News, 2025.2.7 〈屋檐下正在融化的冰柱〉 2 這根倒燃的 透明蠟燭 完全有理由相信 是它 把這個世界 照得明亮 刺眼 ICICLES MELTING UNDER THE EAVES 2 upside down this translucent candle has every reason for believing itself the light source that brighten the world and hurts our eyes