

漢英雙語詩〈在舊金山看海〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.31 〈在舊金山看海〉 又一個波浪湧上來 我還來不及開口發問 那年頭你有沒有想到詩 嘩啦一聲它已在黑岩上摔得粉碎 嘆一口白氣又悄然退了下去 我們隔著霧互看了一眼 然後望開去 灰濛濛的海灣上空 這時候太陽突然冒出了臉 白亮莊嚴恍如奇跡 但我們都知道 它一直就在那裡 WATCHING THE OCEAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Another wave rushed in As I was about to ask “Did you think of poetry in those dark days?” it crashed on the black rocks and retreated with a white sigh We looked away at the bay through a thick fog Suddenly the sun appeared brilliant and solemn as if it were a miracle But we both knew it had been there all the time



詩作〈蟬曲〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.24 〈蟬曲〉 沒有高潮低潮主題副題 沒有大調小調快板慢板 沒有前奏後奏序曲尾曲 日日夜夜 就這麼眾口一聲地 嘰---------------- 整整等了十七個幽暗的年頭 才等來這短短生命的 春天 不,夏天秋天以及 迅速掩至的,啊,冬天! 當然要把生命裡所有的 悲歡離合陰晴圓缺功過得失 成敗興亡冷暖枯榮酸甜苦辣 濃縮成一首 緊管密絃沒有休止符的 第無交響曲 一口氣吐出 讓所有的耳朵 都有一個 日夜轟響的耳鳴 去劃亮 漫漫十七年的孤寂---------- 附注﹕今年夏天是芝加哥的蟬季。在土裡養息了十七年的幼蟬,終於長大成熟,紛 紛破土而出,交配產卵然後死亡,把生命循環的任務交給十七年後出現的下一代去 接續。在樹木繁茂的蟬區,蟬聲震耳欲聾,終日不絕。




漢英雙語詩〈在海邊看日落〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.10 〈在海邊看日落〉 猛燒了一天 想把每張作孽的臉都燒成黑炭 卻在最後關頭 軟下心來 把通紅的大火球 扔進水裡 吱吱聲中 我看到整個大海 沸騰了起來 載浮載沉的空罐,針筒,塑膠杯盤口袋… 紛紛從地球的每一個角落 湧入這沸騰的大鍋 一個昏暗的餐室裡 一個孤單的老人 正咕噥舉起 他的塑膠刀叉 *在菲律濱,一條死鯨魚被發現胃裡裝滿了88磅塑料垃圾。(紐約時報,2019.3.19) WATCHING SUNSET AT THE SEASHORE burning all day trying to char every evil face on earth yet at the last moment he softens and relents throwing the fireball into the water amid the sizzling sound I see the entire ocean boil up empty bottles, syringes, plastic bags, cups, and plates all rushing into this big pot from every corner of the world and in a dark dining room a lonely old man lifting with a grunt his plastic knife and fork Note: A dead whale was found in the Philippines with 88 pounds of plastic bags and other disposable plastic products in its stomach. (New York Times, March 19, 2019)


意大利宇宙出版社國際詩歌新聞,2024.5.8 Edizioni Universum International Poetry News



漢英雙語詩〈行走的花樹〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.5.3 〈行走的花樹〉 我只是個種花人 你說 帶著謙卑的微笑 在都市文明的荒漠裡 在遠離肥沃泥土的天台上 你孜孜澆灌 要為這世界 增添一點 欣欣向榮的喜色 當感恩的花朵 紛紛開向 朝陽的天空 我看到花白了頭髮的你 提著滿溢的水壺 蹣跚穿行 竟是,啊,萬紫千紅中 一株最耐看的花樹 A WALKING FLOWER PLANT I am only an ordinary gardener you spoke with a humble smile High above Hong Kong In the center of the urban desert on the rooftop devoid of fertile soil you had been tirelessly watering and weeding dreaming of someday brightening the world with joyful colors when the plants finally sprang into blossom under the sun-filled morning sky I saw you, gray-haired moving among the colorful flowers with a watering can in your hand like a walking flower plant
