

漢英雙語詩〈尾巴〉〈文藝復興配偶〉及〈隧道〉刊登於《秋水詩刊》201期,2024.10 〈尾巴〉 一大早 站在窗口 看朝陽 沿著天空的軌道 緩緩追逐 隱藏在黑夜裡 自己那條星光閃爍的 尾巴 一大早 站在窗口 看一隻松鼠 在後院草地上 繞著圈子 急急追逐 自己那條毛絨絨的 尾巴 一大早 站在窗口 左顧右盼 不知該往哪個方向 去追逐昨夜夢中逸出的 那條忽隱忽現的 詩的靈感尾巴 THE TAIL Early in the morning standing at the window watching the sun rise from the east along the arc of the sky chase its own tail hidden in the starry night Early in the morning standing at the window watching a squirrel chase along a circle on the lawn in the backyard its own fluffy tail Early in the morning standing at the window shaking his head he doesnt know which way to chase the inspirational tail of a poem that emerged from last night’s dream 〈文藝復興配偶〉 現在我知道為什麼 我被稱為文藝復興男人 原来我太太是個 文藝復興女人 她有個好婚姻 我相信 而她也忠於我 至少到目前 何況還生了兩個兒子 但說真心話 我會樂意拿文藝復興男人 這個花哨的頭銜 去交換一個 美麗可愛的女兒 附注:“文藝復興女人”在網絡上有各色各樣的定義,如“一個對許多事物有興趣及知識的女人”;“一個具有廣泛智力興趣並在藝術及科學領域都有成就的女人”等等。而根據一個叫「巴特而比」網站上的一篇文章:“文藝復興女人是一個有好婚姻,忠於丈夫並生下男孩子的女人”。 RENAISSANCE COUPLE Now I realize I am a Renaissance man since my wife is a Renaissance woman She married well I believe and has been loyal to me at least so far and gave birth to two boys But to tell the truth Id be more than happy to swap the fancy title of Renaissance man for a wonderful and lovely daughter Note: There are various definitions of Renaissance woman on the Internet, such as "A woman who is interested in and knows a lot about many things"; " A woman who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences", etc. And according to an essay on bartleby.com: "…A Renaissance woman is supposed to marry well, be loyal to her husband and give birth to boys." 〈隧道〉 不忍見人們氣喘呼呼 攀爬它的背脊 山 打開了一個 小小的 心門 TUNNEL cant bear to watch people breathlessly climbing on its back the mountain opens up a little door in its heart

