

漢英雙語詩〈地皮,月皮,肚皮〉刊登於《芝加哥時報》2024.8.16 〈地皮,月皮,肚皮〉 他們把地球 挖得千瘡百孔 又推推填填敲敲打打 蓋起一棟棟 躊躇滿志顧盼自雄的摩天大樓 (離天空還遠著哪!) 現在又打起 月球的主意來了 精明的他們 竟不知道 自己的便便大腹 是最有前景的黃金地段 在它上面的建築物 日生夜長 很快便能 頂到了 天 附注﹕美國加州一家叫「月球大使館」的公司把月球上的地皮 分割出售,每英畝售價19.99美元。聽說全球已有超過一百萬個 客戶,其中不乏名人。 ESTATE they’ve been plotting the earth for years building skyscrapers (though still far away from the sky) now they have set their eyes on the moon these smart businessmen overlook the prospects of prime building lots on their own belly where anything would grow day and night to reach the sky Note: A company in California has divided up the surface of the moon for sale. At the price of $19.99 per acre, it claims to have millions of customers worldwide.

